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422. Wickens C. D. Engineering Psychology and Human Perfomance. Charles E. Merrill, Columbus, OH, 1984.

423. Wickens C. D. Processing resources in attention / R. Parazuman, D. R. Davis (Eds.). Varieties of Attention. Academic Press, Orlando, F. L., 1984.. P. 63-98.

424. Wickens C. D., Yen Y. Y. The dessociation of subjective ratings and performance: a multiple resources approuch / Processings of the Human Factors Society 27th Annual Meeting, 1983. P. 244-248.

425. Wickens C. D., Frach I. M. Information procesing / E. L. Wiener, D. C. Nagel (Eds.), Human Factors in Aviation. Academic Press, New York, 1988. P. 111-155.

426. Wickens C. D., Stoker A., Barnett В., Нутап F. The Effect of Stress on Pilot Judgment in a MIDIS Simular / 0. Svenson, A. J. Maule (Eds.), Time pressure and stress inhuman judgment and decision making, Plenum Press. N. Y. and London, 1993. P. 271-291.

427. Wierwill W. W., Casall J. G. A. A validated rating scale for global workload measurement applications / Proceeding of the Human Factors Society 27th Annual Meeting, 1983. P. 129-133.

428. Wierwill W. W., Connor S. A. Evolution of 20 workload measures using a psychomotor task in a moving-lase aircraft simulator // Human Factors 1983 Vol. 25. P. 1-16.

429. Williges R. S., Wierwill W. W. Behavioral measures of aircrew mental workload // Human Factors, 1979. Vol. 21. P. 549-574.

430. Wolff H. G. Stress and Desease. 2nd ed. Springfield, Ш: Charles С Tomas 1968.

431. Wong P. T. Effective management of life stress: The resource-congruence model //Stress medicine, 1993. Vol. 9. P. 51-60.

432. Yerkes R., Dodson J. The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formation//Journal Сотр. Neurolgycal Psychology, 1908. № 18. P. 459-482.

433. Zakay D. The Impact of Time Perception Processes on Decision Making Under Time Stress / 0. Svenson, A. J. Maule (Eds.), Time pressure and stress in Human judgment and decision making. Plenum Press. N. Y. and London, 1993 P 59-72.

434. Zullow H. M., Oettingen G., Peterson C., Seligman M. E. P. Pessimistic explanatory style in the historical record // American Psychologist, 1988 Vol 43. P. 637-682.

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